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Miami Employment Litigation

Employment Discrimination Lawyers in Miami

Helping Our Clients Get Justice in Discrimination Cases

Everyone in America has the right to go to work without worrying about workplace discrimination. Every U.S. citizen deserves equal employment opportunities and the ability to do their jobs without undue hardship. Unfortunately, these rights are sometimes infringed upon by discriminatory practices, a hostile work environment, and other violations of employment law. If you’re facing such issues, you don’t have to file a legal claim or seek recourse on your own. An employment discrimination lawyer in Miami may be able to assist.

At Linton Robinson & Higgins, LLP, our dedicated team of attorneys is focused on securing a favorable outcome in your case. We’ve handled cases in state and federal courts — and assisted with complaints submitted to agencies on the local, state, and federal levels. We’ve also assisted employers with creating policies and understanding processes that can help them avoid claims of employment discrimination. We’ve worked from both sides of the aisle in state and federal courts alike, so we have the experience you need.

Contact our Miami workplace discrimination lawyers today for a free initial consultation.

Employment Discrimination Attorneys — Miami Based and Focused

Federal law provides many protections against workplace discrimination. Of course, there are some areas where protections on the national level aren’t impressive — but in many instances, Florida law picks up the slack. When discrimination occurs in the workplace, it’s important to understand your rights. Discriminatory acts can be related to anything from race to sincerely held religious beliefs. In fact, the array of protected class statuses seems to grow every few years. The following protected classes are among the most basic:

  • Racial discrimination
  • Sexual harassment
  • Age-based discrimination
  • Discrimination against pregnant women
  • Unfair treatment based on marital status
  • Discrimination based on color, genetic identity, gender identity
  • Religious discrimination
  • National origin

At Linton Robinson & Higgins, our lawyers are local to the Miami area. This means we’ve handled cases on the federal, state, and local levels. It also means our focus on protecting employees goes far beyond the Civil Rights Act. Every individual in our law office understands the protected statuses on every level — so we’re ready to help you assert your rights to the fullest degree. We can file a complaint on your behalf, and since we’re also trial lawyers, we can represent you all the way through litigation.

Put simply, you need an experienced employment attorney in Miami — and that’s exactly what we offer. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.

What Federal Laws Protect Employees From Discrimination?

Everyone deserves fair treatment in the workplace and the ability to do their job free of harassment or discrimination. Some of the most in-depth laws that provide these protections were passed on a federal level. When we represent employees whose rights were violated, we’re often focused on the following statutes. While state and local law certainly offers a variety of protections in Miami, FL — federal laws typically have the longest history of protecting employees in America.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

This landmark federal law prohibits employment and workplace discrimination based on race, color, sex, religion, and national origin. Federal courts have broadly interpreted this law. For instance, individuals facing harassment over their gender identity would be able to file a complaint based on sex discrimination.

Age Discrimination in Employment Act

This law prevents any labor and employment decisions that are discriminatory toward individuals over the age of 40. Discrimination claims can be filed regarding hiring, termination, compensation, promotion, and any other employment-based decision.

Americans With Disabilities Act

Some of the most common employment discrimination cases involve violations of the Americans With Disabilities Act. This law protects qualified individuals who are living with disabilities and conditions that hinder major life activities. Employers cannot make decisions based on this disability, and they must offer reasonable accommodations.

Pregnancy Discrimination Act

This federal law amended Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It clarified that discrimination based on pregnancy, childbirth, or any related medical conditions was a form of sex discrimination. Like many other anti-discrimination laws, these protections extend to both job applicants and employees.

Rehabilitation Act of 1973

This law targets federal agencies and provides protections for individuals with disabilities. This was a major win in labor and employment law for federal employee rights.

Equal Pay Act

Men and women deserve equal treatment in the workplace, and the Equal Pay Act ensured this equality would exist when it comes to pay. Employees who perform the same tasks or substantially similar work in the same location must receive equal pay.

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act

Among federal laws, this is one of the few that prevents discrimination based on genetic information. Neither employment nor healthcare decisions can be made based on this information.

Does State and Local Law Provide Additional Protections?

Federal laws go above and beyond to protect everything from race to religious beliefs. These laws expand to cover issues ranging from hiring practices to wrongful termination. However, there are state laws in Florida that focus on picking up some of the slack left by the federal government. There are also statutes meant to reinforce certain federal protections. You may also be surprised to learn that you have additional protections if employed in the Miami area. Just consider some of the state and local laws that protect you:

  • Florida Civil Rights Act (FCRA)
  • Miami-Dade County Human Rights Ordinance
  • City of Miami Human Rights Ordinance
  • Other local ordinances outside of Miami but within the Miami-Dade area

While these laws provide a host of protections, it’s difficult to protect and assert your rights without a solid understanding of the legal process. That’s why it’s advisable to work with a Miami employment attorney if you feel you’ve faced discrimination of any kind. Even if you don’t believe you fall into a protected class, you may have rights without even realizing it. After all, early workplace discrimination statutes didn’t cover sexual orientation — but judicial rulings have established that such protections do exist.

Don’t sit around wondering whether you have a valid employment discrimination case. Contact Linton Robinson & Higgins today for a free case evaluation. We’ll help you understand your rights.

Should You File a Complaint With the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission?

If you’re facing sexual harassment, racial discrimination, or mistreatment based on any other anti-discrimination laws, you may be able to file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. However, it’s important to realize that this is not the only agency that accepts complaints — and it might not be the most appropriate agency to file with. This is one of the major reasons people decide to work with a Miami discrimination lawyer when they feel they’ve been mistreated.

The simple fact is that local, state, and federal laws create a complex patchwork of protections that people often need help navigating. Just consider the varying agencies you could possibly file a complaint with:

  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration
  • Department of Labor
  • Florida Commission on Human Relations
  • Florida Department of Economic Opportunity
  • Miami-Dade County Office of Human Rights and Fair Employment Practices
  • City of Miami Human Resources Department

This is why choosing local employment lawyers will always be in your best interest. Whether you were wrongfully denied employment or faced adverse employment decisions, a law firm in your community will understand the federal, state, and local statutes that protect you. Experienced employment attorneys in Miami will also know the proper way to file a complaint — along with which agencies these complaints should go to.

You deserve to be employed without the fear of workplace discrimination. At Linton Robinson & Higgins, we’re here to protect your rights.

Can Our Law Firm Assist Employers?

If you’re an employer, you might do your best to avoid any type of workplace discrimination. Perhaps you ensure everyone is paid equally, and you make all your employment decisions based on effort and dedication rather than any protected class. Maybe the local community even applauds you for the great way you treat employees. Unfortunately, none of these things are guaranteed to help you avoid an employment discrimination claim or lawsuit.

The simple fact is that some actions can be misinterpreted. It’s also the case that someone could file a complaint without having first raised an issue with you directly. Unfortunately, there are also frivolous claims filed by employees upset over legitimate and legal actions. Whatever the case, your primary route of protecting yourself is to be proactive. At Linton Robinson & Higgins, we can assist in this endeavor. We’ve spent years helping employers stay on the right side of the law.

Our law office does this by helping to create policies and procedures that are in line with local, state, and federal laws. We make sure our clients are fully informed on what’s expected of them under the law. For instance, many employers know they can’t discriminate based on sex — but they fail to realize that laws against sex discrimination also cover pregnancy and gender identity. We’ll work hard to keep you legally compliant. Contact us today to discuss your company’s needs.

Why Do Employees Need an Attorney to Assert Their Rights?

The internet is a place that holds the entirety of all legal knowledge in the world. Some websites also focus on helping people submit workplace discrimination complaints. With so many resources available, you may think that hiring an attorney is an unnecessary act. However, there are many advantages to having a Miami employment discrimination attorney on your side. These include:

  • Attorneys provide legal expertise which is critical in the complex and nuanced world of employment law
  • An attorney can evaluate your case and help you understand the strengths and weaknesses of your claim
  • A legal professional will have experience in collecting the evidence that will prove invaluable to your case
  • Your attorney will develop a strategic legal strategy that’s tailored to the unique circumstances of your case
  • A professional experienced under the law can help you properly navigate complex legal procedures
  • A Miami employment discrimination attorney can help maximize compensation in these cases
  • An experienced attorney can help you seek multiple avenues of relief — as litigation may not be necessary in all cases

Perhaps you’re unsure if you’ve faced unfair treatment under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act — or maybe you’ve experienced blatant racism in the workplace. Whatever the case, having an experienced employment discrimination lawyer in Miami on your side can prove invaluable. Don’t risk an unfair outcome. Our attorneys will review your case and help you understand all your options.

Contact Our Miami Employment Discrimination Attorneys Today

Labor and employment law in America provides a multitude of protections for U.S. citizens. Whether someone is facing covert sexual harassment or outright racism in the workplace, they have options for asserting their rights. Filing a complaint is certainly a great way to start, but you may also find that litigation is the only way to truly assert your rights. From the federal Civil Rights Act to the Florida Civil Rights Act — and every statute in between — our legal team is ready to assist.

At Linton Robinson & Higgins, the attorneys at our law firm have more than 50 years of combined experience. Our founding partners have worked together for more than 25 years. Put simply, we have the knowledge and experience to get the job done. Whether you’re an employee who feels discriminated against or an employer looking to protect everyone — from job applicants to long-term employees — our law firm can help you understand your options.

Contact us at 786-882-7316 to schedule your free consultation. Our Miami employment discrimination attorneys are here to help.

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